From reducing stress and enhancing wellbeing, to weight loss and body reshaping, to optimising communication, decision-making and everyday happiness… 0468HEALTH is here to help you discover the difference that understanding your epigenetic health type can make for yourself, your family and your life.

Our Unique Personalised Health approach allows us to accurately identify your unique biological strengths and weaknesses so that we can direct your awareness towards them.  This will help you align your true life purpose and your passions together and amplify your strengths to help you direct your energy to impress your unique point of difference in this world and live in your natural, rewarding, creative and abundant state of flow.

When you are “in your element” everything is seamless and effortless and that’s the way things are MEANT to be – so let’s use your biology to “decrypt your unique code” that is embedded in your Epigenetics NOW! MIND | BODY | SOUL | SPIRIT

Often the Hardest work we have to do is our Inner Work on ourselves  – this is not often a easy walk in the park because it means that you need to be REAL and HONEST with yourself and stop kidding yourself and stop limiting your beliefs, acknowledge your HABITS, your COPING MECHANISMS, and really dig deep and DEAL with EVERYTHING from your PAST, PRESENT and map our what you REALLY want for your FUTURE.

We know the impact that just a few of the right personalised adjustments can make. It can all start with switching that Morning coffee to a morning SANAME Coffee Collagen and stimulating your body from the inside out to start your day off just a little bit healthier. Don’t like coffee then maybe a dose of P360 Unflavoured Collagen is what you need to incorporate into your breaky bowl or smoothie… sometimes it’s these little things that make all the difference….. Ask us How….

Are You Ready to make the Change, Unearth your Personal Health Type and find our what is BEST for you – Sleep | Food | Fitness | Genuis and soo much more…

Once you start to understand your Unique Epigentic Health Type  & what is going to work BEST for you and what your IDEAL day looks like – FOOD | MOOD | ROUTINE | LIFESTYLE and HEALTHSTLE Wise  – You will be able to Live your BEST self  & it will all make sense why nothing else has worked before…because we make it all about YOU – YOU ARE UNIQUE and what works for 1 person isn’t going to work for another.

We understand that everyone is physically, mentally, emotionally and biologically unique.  Everybody requires different factors to minimise stress and maximise motivation, productivity and health within their workplace. Personalised health takes into account your biology, environment and lifestyle to formulate treatment and prevention strategies based on your unique biology, background, conditions and current state of health.

We use technology for good, it’s all about bringing the Science of over a dozen different Health Modalities together to deliver Personalised Holistic Health Solutions to YOU – we use Anthropometry, Endocrinology, Embryology, Ancestry & Genetic Lineage, Neuropsychology, Phenotypical Traits, Semiotics, Exposomics, GeoMedicine, Molecular Biology, Chronobiology, Traditional Chines Medicine, Ayurveda and More….

By using the latest in AI technology we can assist everybody to identify, understand and accept their unique biological and psychosocial requirements with ease and efficiency. We want to help you get yourself out of  ‘surviving’ mode and start living and enjoying ‘thriving mode’,  You deserve nothing less.


What’s involved?

Firstly we will do a comprehensive Health Assessment for you – we do this by performing a series of simple measurements on the body and collecting information about family history, current health and lifestyle factors. With this information we can determine each persons unique ‘HeathType’ to assist you to understand and accept your biological requirements, enabling you to be able to take responsibility on how you can maximise how you live, work, rest and play. Book in now – Call us for a FREE 15min Curiosity Call NOW!!!

Your health test includes measures of your body, questions about your health history, genetic lineage, environment and lifestyle. Over 10,000 data points are captured during this process, calculated using a combination of Western genetics and Traditional Chinese & Ayurvedic principles, and this data is then used to calculate your current state of health and corresponding health advice. In short, it measures your genes, how they are currently behaving, and guidance on what to do to put your genes in their optimal state.The genetic information held within our DNA can be seen in our physiology in some form or another. Genes code for the size and thickness of our bones, how much and where we hold fat & muscle tissue, the colour of our eyes, hair, skin, the way we physically develop as children, the diseases of which we are at greater risk, and many others. When these and other factors are assessed through specific combinations of correlations, the gene variants within an individual can be calculated. This method has been complex to establish and requires advanced technology to process and integrate, however, an international team working for 2 decades on research and software development have informed the basis for what are now trusted methods of determining phenotype and the resulting individual requirements.

Both the measures and the questionnaire used as part of the assessment in ph360 have been mapped to the genome using existing data from an international consortium focussing on genetic research. The combination of genetic mapping and quantifying phenotype gives information on neural activity correlated to EEG measures, hormonal dominance, nutrigenomic requirements and chronobiological and biomechanical considerations. This information is used to inform a more comprehensive picture of both disease risk, current health state, and recommended actions for improvement of condition.

Over 20 years of real world data of over 50000+ cases, and an international panel of experts specialising in over 15 different areas of health science have been involved in the creation of the ph360 platform and app, Shae™. It is designed to ensure that the right scientific principles are provided to the right individual, and to eliminate the ‘trial and error’ approach. Used in conjunction with clinical observations and experience, the ph360 platform and the accompanying education through the Mastery Series will enhance accuracy and consistency for all allied and medical health professionals.

ph360 uses complex algorithms developed by our researchers to translate the distinct relationship between your body’s measurements and physical traits to its physical functions, hormone secretions, metabolism, and lifestyle preferences. It uses anthropometry (scientific assessment of your body’s measurements), family history, and assessment of your lifestyle and environment to determine your phenotypic and epigenetic profile.

Discovering Your HealthType™

Sit back and relax as your instructors introduce you to YOUR unique HealthType™ and epigenetic profile, powered by ShaeWellness™.


We’ll deliver to you a custom sleep system SPECIFIC to your HealthType™ and profile data. Get ready to finally get the good nights rest you’ve been looking for!


Think kale is good for everyone? Think again. We’ll show you how to select the exact right foods your body, how to cook them, whent to eat them…with recipes available directly in your Shae™ app.


If you were anything like us, you probably have a love-hate relationship with exercise. Allow us to break down the right exercise modalities for you, so you can spend that willpower somewhere else!


We’re all chasing that feeling of ‘flow’, but few know how to reliably tap into it. In our Genius training, we’ll show you how to work smarter, so you can achieve more without burning out!

So much more!

“Siri for your health”.Shae Wellness uses the Shae™ app the ultimate tool for personalised health

ShaeWellness™ – Your Virtual Health Assistant

 Dubbed by the media as “Siri for your health”.

Your ShaeWellness™ data is delivered straight to you with the Shae™ app – the ultimate tool for personalised health info given to you in real-time, right at your fingertips.

Simple to navigate

 A user-friendly dashboard displays your profile in full colour 

Easily downloadable

 Available on Apple and Google App Stores 

Health without thinking

 Shae™ is designed to be your personal virtual health assistant 

Personalized health insights

 To increase energy, productivity, and health levels while at work and at home 


(Please note: Information on this web site is no substitute for consulting a health care professional. All information contained on this web site, including information relating to medical, health conditions, products & treatments is for informational purposes only).


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